Dos Weones
The Challenge: The main challenge facing me with this project was the timeline! After starting the project with another company, I was told two weeks into it that they hired someone else to do the job. So I was tasked with creating a brand, logo, and website from scratch for me and and a friends future surfboard company, “Dos Weones”. All in two weeks.
Problem Statement: To create a user centered website that would be appealing and easy to navigate for potential clients, and help to drive return customers.
Client: Dos Weones Surf Company
Timeline: 2 Weeks
UX Designer
UI Designer
Brand Designer
UX Researcher
Figma, FigJam, Google Forms, Zoom, Google Docs, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
User Interviews, User Persona, User Flows, User Story, Empathy Map, Site Map, Wireframes, Branding, Usability Tests, Prototype
User interviews:
I interviewed ten different people, six guys and four girls, who said they have visited a surf brand website in the past three months.
Four of the ten people surf once a week, five said they surf maybe once a month, and one of the participants said they love the beach and the culture but will never surf.
Empathy Map
User Personas
After conducting all of the user interviews and putting together an empathy map to try to get inside the mind of the core users, we put together these two personas.
User Stories
Using the two personas that were created following the interviews and empathy maps, we created two user stories to represent each potential customer story.
User Flow
Sketches & Wireframes
High Fidelity Mockup
Usability Testing #1
I gathered six people over two days and did all in person testing. I presented one of the two users stories listed above, and asked them to accomplish the user’s goal without assistance.
Confused as to which photo on “About page” is me and which is Will.
Explain the logo.
The home screen was very wordy.
Somehow make the buttons on the top stick out. Bland.
Add a home button to each page. Not Intuitive to just click logo.
Usability Testing #2
I gathered six people over two days and did all in person testing. I presented one of the two users stories listed above, and asked them to accomplish the user’s goal without assistance.
Need a “Contact Us” page.
Add a “Back” button for boards and clothing page.
No need for Spanish option on all, do it home page only.
“Total” on the checkout was confusing. Differentiate the grand total somehow.
Keep same order of button layout. Don't switch up locations, makes it noninstinctual.
The main concerns of the users were to be able to get as live and up to date information as possible. This would not only save unwanted or unnecessary headaches down the line by being late, but also lead to a better user experience and return users. Next stop was able to get the information the user was looking for, in as few steps as possible.
From this project, I learned a lot of invaluable lessons. Firstly, I learned that while you might be sold on an idea, the only opinion that truly matters is the users. I felt that my first mockups were good, but upon user testing, they fell quite short of others expectations. Learning to try and see a project from the users point of view and not mine, is an invaluable asset that I will need to utilize going forward.